how to wear a graduation ring
Annotated's Guide to which finger to where your ring on
Traditionally graduation rings are worn on the ring finger of the right hand. But we think the other fingers also make viable options for your graduation ring. With a little help from Pinterest, we have compiled a collection of images to help you decide which finger is right for you:

The Pinky
Perfect for: The Signet Ring
Palmistry: Named after the winged messenger god, Mercury, the little finger is thought to reveal communication abilities and be the centre of self-expression.
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The Ring Finger
Perfect for: The Graduation Ring Traditionalist (usually right-hand)
Palmistry: Believed to show an individual’s creative potential
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Middle Finger
Perfect for: The unconventional choice
Palmistry: The finger of discipline and balance
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Index Finger
Perfect for: Every day
Palmistry: The finger of Jupiter thought to depict the power of self or ego
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The Thumb
Perfect for: The band ring
Palmistry: The centre of will-power
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